miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2010

Pau Casals

The true respect for the music... consists in gives it life...

Music, this wonderful universal language, must be a source of communication between all people.

Catalonia is the land of my birth and I love her as a mother....

Pau Casals

Pau Casals was born on 29 December 1876 in the town of El Vendrell in Tarragona’s Coast. He was one of the 20th century's greatest cellists, internationally recognized as one of the finest performers and orchestra conductors of his times.
His best interpretations are “El cant dels ocells( The sing of the birds)” and “El Himne de les Nacions unides(the anthem of the United Nations)” between other important compositions.
Among its other initiatives, there are foundations in Barcelona, the Orchestra Pau Casals (1920-39), financed by him, and the Workers' Music Association (1926-39) with the first gave a big impulse Catalan symphony to life and carried out the second copy of an attempt to approach the world of music workers. In 1932 he was appointed by the Government Chairman of the Board of Music of Catalonia. His life undergoes a major change following the civil war of 1936-39 and the Second World War (1939-45): until then had only acted publicly as a musician, but since then became a tireless champion of peace, freedom and oppressed. 

Song of the birds:

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